Nourish with Kristin

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3 Ways To Boost & 3 Ways To Bomb your Metabolism (4/5 series)

I see you.

You’ve tried every diet and you’ve done everything right. You’ve read all the previous segments* in this blog series, but you’re still looking for help. Maybe you’re even still cursing your metabolism. Why won’t it just do what you want it to do? Let’s discover some hidden blocks that may be stalling your progress.

*haven’t read the other articles? Catch them here:

1.Metabolic Health: an Intro

2. Taming the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

3. Metabolic Flexibility: two tools to harness metabolic power

5. A Metabolic Conversation with Special Guest


Metabolic Saboteurs

Find out what is “Bombing” your Metabolism and undermining even your best efforts.


Your late-night tossing and turning did more than make you cranky; you unwittingly threw a wrench in your machine. See, your metabolism needs sleep. We digest meals, convert glucose into energy, and repair tissues while we slumber. There is a lot going on under the surface while you’re dreaming. 

Lack of restful sleep disrupts metabolic processes, causing several health issues. For example, studies have shown that poor sleep impairs insulin regulation, causing blood sugar levels to fluctuate and run high. Sleep deprivation also alters hunger hormones, making you snacky and prone to poor food choices. Have you felt that? You’re tired and foggy so you go searching for sweet, salty, easy goodness to lift you up.

It runs deeper than just the munchies. Skimping on quality Zzz’s signals a state of stress and trauma; your body reacts by locking down fat stores. I often talk to frustrated women who can’t get their weight to budge. More often than not, they also report terrible sleep patterns. I have to break the hard news: if you’re losing sleep, you won’t lose weight. I wrestled this demon myself! This is especially heartbreaking if you’ve been working out and constantly trying to burn more calories. In many cases, doing less (sleeping), is what will help and skipping sleep to do more is what’s been stalling you.


When you experience stress (and who doesn’t?!), your body releases the hormone cortisol, which can raise blood sugar levels. Your body thinks you need quick energy to fight or run! I wish there was a way to tell your body it’s teacher appreciation banquets or deadlines at work that are making you tense, not a charging bear. Sigh. Stress is all the same to you body. It triggers a survival response. This increases insulin production in the short term, but if your stress is chronic (constant) then the story gets worse. The stress response actually increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other metabolic problems. This, ironically, causes more stress and the cycle continues.

Stress can also lead to changes in appetite and food preferences. Who among us is not guilty of stress eating? (I’m sure that wasn’t a pint of broccoli you pulled from the freezer after working late.) Stress makes us seek sugary, fatty comfort foods which can lead to weight gain. Additionally, high stress levels can disrupt sleep, which…well you know. It’s a terribly perfect storm for metabolic disaster.

Chronic stress undermines even our best weight loss efforts. I discuss this in my programs and encourage techniques that work with the body, rather than against it. A weight loss regimen that stresses you out is simply counterproductive. Forcing your body to do anything its not ready for will increase stress. You really need to work with your body in a state of grace, gratitude and understanding. This stress state can be hard to untangle, but it absolutely can be done.


If you’ve “tried everything” and the weight just won’t budge, don’t curse your slow metabolism. There’s a chance your body is clinging to that fat as a protective measure! Why would it do that?

Toxins. We live in a toxic environment of epic and unprecedented proportion. Chemicals and toxins constantly assault our bodies. What it can’t safely pass our body wraps in fat and stores as far away from our more vulnerable organs as it can. It locks it away in our fat for safety. And you won’t burn fat that is actively being used to safeguard you from toxins. And here’s where your conflict of interest gets really frustrating: your body values your health more than your bikini body or reunion pictures.

What’s more, toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, phthalates, mycotoxins and others can actively interfere with metabolic processes in the body. This can lead to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Other issues follow. Toxins can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to insulin resistance, further impairing metabolism.

To make matters worse, hidden food sensitivities and infections can induce a toxic response in the body, inciting inflammation and, again, a lock-down on fat stores.

 Can you see how it’s not just Stubborn Weight? It’s Protective Weight. If you manage to force your body to drop some pounds without addressing these issues, it will simple put the weight right back on (and bring some friends!) as soon as it gets a chance. You have to stop the attacks to persuade your body to let its shields (excess fat stores) down.

To maintain a healthy metabolism, reduce pollutants and promote the body's natural detoxification processes—sweat and elimination. Supporting your detoxification systems can help your body safely process any threatening substances. I also use functional testing to identify toxins, foods, imbalances and infections that may be hijacking your metabolism.


Bonus: Age & Genetics

I’m lumping these two together because it’s tempting to think they are fixed and beyond your control.

It’s true, your metabolism tends to slow with age and there’s no turning the clock back.

How many times have we blamed “what our mama gave us” for our struggles?

Your age and genetic makeup influences your metabolism—how fast you burn calories, how you absorb nutrients, how you regulate hormones, and even appetite control. (For example, invite my family to dinner at your own risk, they’ll eat you under the table and politely ask if there’s any more!)

Whether your concern is advancing age or your family history, knowledge is power. Knowing the risks associated with age and the tendencies your genetics dictate empower you to overcome obstacles and strike proactively.

And here’s a hint: eating healthy, whole food and incorporating healthy movement goes a long way to compensating for any age or genetic disadvantages you have!

When working with a nutritional therapist (like me!), all these factors are considered and addressed in your personalized strategy.


Metabolic Saviors

We discussed some of the hidden factors working against you. How about some inside tricks to optimize your metabolism?

Spoiler alert: it isn’t a magic pill or a little known berry from the Andes. It isn’t sitting eating air or drinking an elixir of mushrooms and unicorn tears.

Everyone seems to be selling the latest and greatest in metabolism boosters that burn, rev, jump start, ignite or otherwise make calories and muffin tops disappear.  

The reality is a lot less glamorous and blissfully undramatic. But these methods work.

Eat REAL food.

The secret code to health really isn’t found in high tech scientific formulations or cutting edge culinary developments. It’s in the original recipe: food. Food your great great grandma would recognize. Foods with short ingredient lists that you can pronounce.

Whole foods have more essential nutrients in fewer calories than processed foods, meaning you can run your body efficiently without consuming excess that has to be shuttled to fat stores. Additionally, real, whole foods aren’t processed with additives and chemicals that can interfere with the body's natural metabolic processes. They are engineered to make you crave unlimited amounts. A diet rich in wholesome foods also helps regulate blood sugar levels, further supporting a robust metabolism. Simply put, your metabolism LOVES real food.

Build Muscle.

We’re not talking Arnold level musculature. But most of us could stand to gain a little more strength. Muscles boost metabolic health and minimize the incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and early mortality.

How? Well, muscles process lots of glucose.

 “Larger muscles process more glucose, and when you use your muscles, insulin sensitivity is increased through a cascade of events,” says Dominic D’Agostino, PhD, and metabolic expert.

Even just two strength-training sessions a week can help develop muscle and enhance disease prevention. Furthermore, the motion and sweat involved in exercise increases detoxification which we learned also helps us metabolize stored fat.

 What’s more, if you feel strong, you’re more likely to engage in physical activities—you’ll move more and play more! This lights up your metabolism and melts away stress.

Strength training for the win!

Play Detective

Learn to decipher your body’s signals. What is it crying out for? Sort through your symptoms. Recognize your rhythms, your habits, your cravings.

When a new client comes to me, this is exactly what we do together. We dive into the entire story of what got you to where you are now. Why is your metabolism sluggish? Why are the extra pounds so stubborn? What is your body protecting you from? Why is your energy crashing? What’s at the root of your issues?

Spend some real time digging into this. Your self-study can go even deeper thanks to modern technology. A Fit Bit or Apple watch can track your movement and sleep so you can watch for trends and measure goals. New trackers are emerging all the time. There are apps to help you track your food, a temporary practice often helpful to find patterns and nutrient deficiencies. You can now buy devices for home use that do everything from measure blood pressure to ketones to body fat percentage. It’s an exciting age to be a health detective!


My most favorite device for metabolic health is a Continuous Glucose Monitor. I believe it has an immediate and high impact on your health and your ability to customize your own care. I discuss this in the next post or you can learn more in my newest program: 30 Day Metabolism Makeover. Click to learn more about that.


These past 4 emails have been my best effort to arm you with education. You are in control of your body. You have the power to change course and chart a healthy one!   

This is your time! Time to feel better, look better, BE better. You can hack your own metabolism. I’m here to help! And I am available with the click of a button…click below to set up a free 20 minute chat about your health and what the next steps could look like.


You know yourself best. Get to know yourself even better. And let’s use that information to get you to your best!