Know Thyself: What I learned with my own Genetic Testing and how I can you with yours!
We live in such an exciting time for health and wellness. You hear so much about sickness, toxicity, obesity, disease and the complications of our modern lives. But the flip-side is also true. We’ve never had such access to knowledge and technology, allowing us to customize our own care! We don’t have to guess anymore what our body wants and needs, we can know.
Understanding a person's genes and uncovering how they uniquely impact a person's systems can provide that tailored healthcare approach — which is exactly what I do here at Nourish with Kristin. How tailored? A genetic test can reveal insights into cellular and systems function, cardiovascular health, nutrient absorption and processing, and energy and activity levels. But these aren't just "fun to have" facts about a person's body; they're insights on which you can take action. NOW.
This is not generic by any means. In fact, no two tests will look alike! I mentioned me and my husband both took one. It was so cool to read them together and see where our health practices can overlap and where they should diverge.
Epigenetics: the switchboard at work
Before I show you a little of my results, I have to tell you. Your genes are not your destiny! For example, you may have genes pointing toward diabetes…does that mean you are doomed? Not at all. Your choices—lifestyle, dietary, environmental, etc.—determine how your genes will express. This is called epigenetics. So while these same genes that suggest you may struggle with blood sugar could explain why you easily pack weight on, they could also spur you to make dietary changes that ensure you never suffer the effects of insulin resistance or metabolic disease. It’s not just about your genes…its about what you do with them!
Ten Takeaways from my own Test
To illustrate the type of information you can glean from your genetic code, let me share a few of the highlights from my own report:
I learned that my biggest risk area is bone density. I already knew this was a general risk for women as they age and have tried to take protective measures to safeguard myself. But seeing genetic pathways spelled out that make me especially vulnerable to osteoporosis made me want to try harder to be consistent! More leafy greens and cruciferous veggies coming my way. More bone broth. More consistent weight bearing exercise. And I told my kids no more stepping on cracks because…well, you know what can happen.
I know that oxidative stress impacts inflammation and detoxification functions in the cells, so my test results convinced me to add a good quality omega 3 fish oil supplement as I admit, I don’t eat fish regularly. I also noted a high impact in my fatty acid nutrient pathway that confirmed the importance of this recommendation. So now I am more likely to stick to the change!
I found that my genes impact hormone metabolism and that I’d benefit from a diet that supports me in that area such as the intake of food rich in B-vitamins, magnesium, and fiber, - so leafy greens, legumes, pistachios, sesame, and pumpkin seeds. Tasty salads for the win!
I discovered I need special help with detoxification and I especially need to avoid exposure to endocrine disruptors such as BPA, phthalates, and parabens in plastic containers and certain personal care products. So I am cleaning out my beloved makeup drawer and examining my cleaning supplies. I am researching healthy swaps (which I will share in later posts.)
My results pointed toward a need for Calcium-D glucarate which prevents the reabsorption of potentially toxic metabolites from the gut. That is an easy supplement to incorporate, I’m on it!
The test showed I have a genetic preference for strength training and may struggle with endurance training. I could have told them that! Love me some weight training, and really have to twist my own arm to rack up the miles. However, I know the benefits of both, so I can use the recommendations from this test to tailor my workouts to get the most from my strong suit (pun intended) and compensate for my weaknesses in the cardio department. This test is going to actively influence my workout decisions for the rest of my life!
My report also revealed high impact in genes that impact recovery from exercise. Not fair! My husband and training buddy recovers almost immediately! This just means I have extra incentive to give myself time and patience. Recommended: gentle exercises, massage and stretching, to help support recovery while still ensuring enough activity to boost dopamine levels and help modulate inflammation. And chocolate (that didn’t come up in my genes, I just know it my soul that’s what I need.)
I found out caffeine does not love me back. I already suspected as much, but now I know, 1 cup a day is all for me! I like a caffeinated preworkout drink first thing in the morning, but anything later than that would disrupt my sleep cycles or make me cranky. I just don’t metabolize it well.
My report recommended I take a big chill pill. Okay, not in those words. It did recommend relaxation techniques to support my ability to manage stressful situations at home and work. My mood and behavior pathway revealed a higher sensitivity to stress. Adding a supplement like L-theanine (naturally found in tea and mushrooms) to help increase levels of GABA, serotonin, and dopamine to help balance neuro-chemicals can be high impact for me (and those loved ones in my splash zone). My genetic results indicate genetic impact in vitamin D metabolism and an increased need. Luckily, I monitor my D with regular blood work so I know I have good levels. But now that I know how critical it is I maintain this, I will be especially mindful heading into the dark days of winter to keep my levels where I want them.
I really think my Genetic test is telling me I need more ^this^ in my life. Think insurance will cover it? It’s medicinal!
As a generally healthy person, this test helped me see little tweaks I can benefit from and also flagged some issues I can proactively watch for as I age. This test will help me optimize and avoid obstacles.
What can Genetic Testing do for you?
Now, imagine the impact genetic testing can have on someone with chronic illness or more acute health challenges? Can you see how it might help you zero in on answers? When one-size-fits-all treatment fails you, it’s time to dig deeper and get customized.
Making recommendations based on genetic testing is a lot more specific and personal, and at a much deeper level than simply treating surface-level symptoms. Because a genetic test can reveal how your genes actually impact your body — from how your joints work, to how well your cells are at detoxification, to what kind of exercise is right for your body — I’m able to make much better recommendations for you, and you'll see much more success with them.
Interested in Decoding Your Genes?
If you are an existing client, good news! This test is now available to order: add on to your healing plan or your maintenance plan. Reach out and we can talk more about it!
If you aren’t a current client (why not?), book a consult and let’s talk! I am still hashing out the details of how exactly to offer this test. It works best in context. You can have a list of your genes, but it is so much more powerful when accompanied with blood work, for example. Genes give us a picture of your overall structure and possibilities. But pairing it with a current understanding of your health lets me know how your genes are expressing and what needs to be done to optimize that. Let’s talk about what that looks like for you!
Learn More About the Actual Test:
Here is a short video that explains even more clearly what the test offers:
I am so thrilled to have this tool to offer in my tool box of tricks. The more we uncover about YOU, the more dialed in our approach can be in our journey to optimal wellness. You were designed to feel good and I want to see you get there!