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Welcome to KrisPicks!

A page of some of my favorite things.

I’ll be adding to this page as I get time so keep coming back! Do you have favorites to share? Send them my way so I can check them out! Email me here.

Some of these may be affiliate links, but know that I NEVER recommend a product because I get a kick back. I only share things I have personally tried, use regularly, and feel are truly awesome.

Groceries/ Supplements/ Gadgets/ Apps/ Services/ Lifestyle/ Books & more

 Groceries, Favorite Foods, Products

We are busy mamas. Who has time to shop? And nothing is worse than the Old Mother Hubbard predicament! So while you can’t beat browsing fresh produce and walking the farmers markets, here are some of my tips and favs to get food at my front door and keep the kids from eating each other just because I was busy. From Grocery delivery to Pantry staples, I got you covered.

Misfits Market/Imperfect Foods

The two giants of food upcycling/saving merged and now their service is a staple at my house. They are all for eliminating food waste and bringing organics to the table with serious savings.

What I love:

  • No Autoships!

  • No sales pressure or insane minimums/quotas

  • Huge, ever changing selection

  • Uber Easy customer service. Broken egg or frozen lettuce? This rarely happens but when it does, 2 clicks and I have a full refund, no questions asked.

  • All ingredients and nutrition info is listed so you know whats in everything you buy.

  • Fun perks/points that build up when you’re not paying attention and then voila! you get a free chocolate bar or something (free food is the highest level of heaven in my book!)

What I use it for most:

I use this to try out new special diet goodies (e.g. gluten free, keto, dairy free, etc.) without the risk of the full price item. I often find great deals on pastured chicken and eggs, grass fed meats and wild caught fish. I can find specialty items for every weirdo at my house (my affectionate term for special diet/high maintenance). I use it to try new veggies because I am a sucker for pretty pictures.


If you like something, stock up next time, it may not be there long!

Pay attention to words, measurements, etc. You may think you are buying a giant back of pirates booty only to find its a single serve on arrival. They aren’t deceptive, I just fail to notice those things when I am skimming in a hurry. And if they say “mini avocados” they mean it. Super cute, but they should be called “Guac shooters.” I have fallen for that trick too many times.

If you order with my link, we both get $10 bucks! I will munch something crunchy and think of you.

 Gadgets I love

Who doesn’t want to be a biohacker? ooh, just the name gives me chills. If there is a gadget that catches my stats or makes my life easier, I want in. My wish list is a lot longer than my favs list are, but here’s hoping I get to experiment with more as time goes by and new toys come out!

Theia Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)

I can’t give this anymore thumbs up, I only have 2! If you are going to do one thing to improve your health, get a CGM so you can do a self study and see in real time how your food affects you. Knowledge is power and in this case, it is life changing power! It enables you to customize a diet that works for you and know the cost of your splurges. Can you still splurge? Yes! Just know what you’re getting into first!

I’ve tried other CGM companies and they are great but Theia takes the edge for several reasons:

  1. Competitively priced, lowest price on the market

  2. Uses the latest version of the tech: Freestyle Libre 3. It is smaller and continuously feeds so you don’t have to remember to scan!

  3. The app is easy to use and generates easy to understand reports.

  4. It lets your practitioner (ME!) see your data in real time so I can make REAL suggestions and help you implement REAL change. No other CGM has that capability.

Theia requires a practitioner invite to subscribe. USE MY LINK HERE to have your account established under my practice so I can come along for the ride! There is an annual fee for the app, and then the cost of sensors. For the info you get, I highly recommend everyone try it. I do a self study twice a year so I can stay dialed in to my body’s reactions to food, stress, sleep and more. I love it!

Keto Mojo

This is my device of choice for measuring ketones and glucose. Its easy, painless, and an accurate way to keep tabs on your metabolism!

I was afraid of the poke. After years of guessing and playing with breath meters, pee strips, and biofeedback (aka smells and secretions lol), I caved, got brave, and tested my blood. GAME CHANGER. All you fellow weenies—it’s painless. Really.

Bonus, this device can read glucose and ketones, both essential to really dialing in your diet or checking your metabolic health. Do you know how fast you recover from a spike? I thought not. This device can help.

Learn more and Order here, I recommend a starter pack. Also available on Amazon.


No one likes to take them, but they are a necessary part of a healthy life. Whether you’re filling gaps in your nutrition (remember, food is always first!!), part of a healing plan incorporating therapeutic supplements, or looking to boost/optimize in a healthy, targeted way, supplements are a powerful ally. Here are where I get mine and some of my favorite.

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.

Fullscript Supplement Dispensary

In the supplement jungle, quality matters! I use Fullscript for my online supplement dispensary because it allows me to search exactly what I want and don’t want. They provide only therapeutic grade supplements and monitor for quality and potency. Amazon is a minefield of counterfits, expired product, and low quality pills with slick claims. Fullscript helps me filter. Check out my store to browse the catalog or see some of my specific recommendations and favorites. Bonus, get a 15% discount! (Tip: Shipping is 4.99 on all orders, or free for orders over $50)