Which Diet is right for you?
Have you bounced from diet to diet? Have you had good results only to slide back to where you were and start over again with something else? Is it overwhelming and confusing trying to discern fad from fiction? Have you ever wondered which of all the diets was “true?” Hopefully this discussion will help you out a little bit. Check out the video or scan the summary.
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3:55 Your First Dietary Change Should Be Your Mindset
We need to stop trying to lose weight, hoping to get healthy. If instead, we focus on getting healthy, the weight will take care of itself. Not only does this relieve some stress (which aids in weight loss!) it will help you avoid the trappings of criticism, despair, self loathing, comparison, and other image issues that bring you down and muddy your progress.
Instead of looking at the number on the scale, lets look at you and your health and see what the root issue(s) is that’s causing the symptom (weight gain and undoubtedly others.) Let’s get all of you feeling better!
5:12 Criteria for a Healthy Diet
5:58 Star and Feature Clean and Nutritious Food
6:25 Most Likely Limits Carbs
Not all carbs are bad, but processed, empty carbs really have no place in your diet, especially if weight is a concern. Depending on your goals, even some healthy carbs may be temporarily limited.
6:40 Does NOT Leave You Hungry
If you are hungry, you will fail. Will power only works for so long; biology will win out every time!
7:15 Does Not Severly Limit Your Food Choices
Our bodies thrive on variety. They need a full spectrum of micro-nutrients named and unnamed that can only be achieved by eating a wide range of foods. It can’t be simulated in a shake, a bar, or a pill! With the exception of a therapeutic diet or cleanse carefully designed to meet a specific need, you should NOT subscribe to a diet that severely limits your choices and leaves you bored, trapped, undernourished and frustrated.
8:24 Eliminate Empty Calories
We are not looking for how much you can eat for the fewest calories! That is a diet gimmick guaranteed to set you up for failure and sickness! Flip that on its head: how much nutrition can you get in the fewest bites? It’s about Nutrient Density! When you eat this way, cravings and hunger go away and you find yourself enjoying foods that build your body rather than letting it down.
9:48 Movement and Exercise
A healthy diet encourages movement. Exercise aids digestion, detoxification, vitality and even anti-aging! Cutting it out or advertising weight loss without exercise is really shorting yourself! Do you have to run marathons? No. But whatever you are (or aren’t) doing now, add to it little by little.
11:00 So What Diet Can I do?
11:10 a note to Chronic Dieters:
the more you’ve dieted, the harder it will be to lose weight initially. You need to build trust with your body again. What you call diet, it sees as a starvation or emergency period and so no your best laid efforts only prompt a survival response from your body. Rather than losing weight, it will hold on to it for dear life! You need to show your body you are here to heal and nourish it, not beat it into submission!
12:58 Drop the Diet Lifestyle
13:40 Essential Strategies for a Diet to Actually Work
13:45 Incorporate Foods you Love
You may need to make friends with foods you don’t like, but it can be done with a little experimentation and an open mind!
14:12 Must be Doable with your Lifestyle!
If you are simply too busy to cook ever, you may need to adjust a little. But for the most part, a diet should fit into your lifestyle—$, family life, work, location, etc.—or it will fail.
Food is one important way we celebrate life so we can’t cut everything out!
14:56 Allow for Celebrations
Words like “Never” and “No” set you up for binging and sadness. Your diet/lifestyle should let you celebrate and enjoy your favorites on occasion.
15:21 Space to Make Mindful Eating Choices
You aren’t eating a prescribed diet forever with someone telling you what you can and can’t eat. You make the decisions and choose for yourself what feeds you.
15:56 Positive Changes in All Areas
A successful diet fosters improvement in all areas of your health and even your life.
Charlotte Gerson, one of my all-time health heroes, said you can’t heal selectively. When the body heals, the whole thing heals. Remember, your extra weight is a symptom, not an isolated event. Healing and balancing your body will foster your healthy weight to emerge without costing you in other areas. Some diets can literally make you sick. The right one will do exactly the opposite.
17:17 Changing from Diet to Lifestyle
Dietary changes need to align with a plan you can enjoy as a lifestyle. Does that mean you eat exactly the same way all the time forever? No. There are exceptions and cycles. But the way you eat, if it is right for you, should be something you can do for the long haul.
18:00 The Diet with No Name
People ask all the time which diet is the best for them. And we can name a hundred. Whole 30. Primal. Paleo. Ketogenic. AIP. Just to name a few. These diets and others can be great to use as templates. But in the end, the best diet for you probably doesn’t have a name. You take principles from these established diets and schools of thoughts and you experiment with your unique biology to see what works best for you. What do you feel better on? And that becomes your diet. It can incorporate ideas across lines, and in the end it will be uniquely yours.
You should be the primary author of your diet lifestyle.
19:05 You Need to Be in a Healthy Space
You are more than a number. You are not a slave to the scale. You need to break with that mentality. Stop punishing and berating yourself. Stop comparing. You need to be in a healthy head space to accept your body and assume responsibility to care for it.
20:41 Don’t Let You Hold You Back
Claim your health. Food is a key to this puzzle. Every bite you take is a chance to rebuild the body you want.
21:07 How Can I Help You?
It is never just weight. There is always so much more at play. It may be hormones, gut balance, malabsorption, stress, sickness or all of the above! I can help you uncover the causes; look at your health, motivations and behaviors with fresh eyes to see what is sabotaging your efforts and what will help you move forward.
I would love to help you feel better in your own body.
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