A Carnivore Conversation: So Crazy it Just Might Make Sense!
The Carnivore Diet, really? I was sure I was crazy. I was sure I’d get sick. I was sure I would swear off meat forever. What happened? How did I go from “an apple a day…” to “throw the apple away?” In a five part series, I look at what the Carnivore Diet is, my own personal experiment with it, and how I went from skeptic to tucking it into my toolbox. Wondering if Carnivore might hold benefits for you? Read on for a brief introduction into Carnivore and a fun discussion I had on Apodcast: Coversations Worth Listening To. You can check out the entire episode below or skim the time stamps to see what stands out. Scroll to the bottom to download my FREE Get Going Guide: Carnivore Edition and tune in to the blog series to learn more about a diet plan so crazy, it just might make sense. Read My 30-Day Experiment, The Temporary Carnivore, The Lifestyle Carnivore, and The Ethical Carnivore.
What is Carnivore?
Basically, it’s a meat-based diet. Carnivore embraces the tenet that meat (and animal products) are ideal foods—nutritionally dense, complete and bioavailable—and plants are survival foods, meaning foods we eat when no meat is available to keep from starving to death. According to “carnivores,” some plants are used as medicines, but none should be considered staples in the human diet. There are ranges of carnivore, discussed more in the free starter guide below, but by and large this way of eating will shift your plate to the animal world and set you firmly at the top of the food chain.
Paul Saladino “the Carnivore MD” caught my attention when he proposed the idea that every plant contains nutrients, but they have to be unlocked and come at a cost. They contain “anti-nutrients” like oxalates, lectins, phytates—even the dreaded gluten!—and have to be prepared and consumed in ways to mitigate these. They are often fibrous and hard to digest. He suggested that if you have an impaired system—from poor digestion to full blown autoimmune disease—you may not be able to afford this cost. In other words, these foods harm more than they heal. So why not bypass all these defenses and instead eat meat? As someone who often works with people on elimination diets trying to heal, this resonated with me. Why not bypass all the problematic components of food and adopt (even temporarily) the simplest diet available? Could that be carnivore? Let’s kick this series off with a general overview.
A Carnivore Conversation
Adrian Sinclair hosted a great discussion in his studio about our experiences with the Carnivore Diet. Watch the whole video here or scan the notes below with timestamps so you can skip around. Special Thanks to Adrian and his team for this fun opportunity to participate in an exciting and dynamic podcast (I highly recommend you check out more of his episodes!)
We talk carnivore but also related topics: food quality, meat ethics, ketogenics, cooking techniques and more.
Welcome to the show. 0:00
Adrian talks a little about his journey and his belief that food creates who we are. Finding good sources led him to Utah Natural Meat. And there we met! He had been experimenting with fasting and different types of eating and carnivore was his latest passion. It seemed serendipitous as I was working on my carnivore project as well!
A brief look at Kristin’s journey 2:21
I began as an over-ambitious, naive, aspiring homesteader who started too many projects at once. My often comical endeavors as a young mom on a self-created funny farm are chronicled at Little Purple Barn. I quickly learned that the better food and care you give to animals, the healthier and more productive they are. I was somewhat slower to make the connection to my own health!
As I begin to connect the dots, I started diving into a new world of sustainable food and nutrient density. I was a passionate self-learner and kitchen crusader. When symptoms, food intolerances, and even disease started manifesting in my own house, I decided it was time to take things to a new level: I went back to school!
I enrolled at Nutrition Therapy Institute and eagerly began a more scientific education in healing with foods. I began working at Utah Natural Meat to pay tuition. It was perfect as I found myself on the front line of the food sustainability and freedom movement and interacting with people seeking food as medicine every day.
The healing in my house was astounding. We saw great improvements. However, we hit road blocks and ceilings as well. Despite several protocols and approaches, my husband in particular seemed to hit a limit on his healing. That is when I finally began to consider a laughable diet I’d repeatedly heard about but kept blowing off. I decided to devote my final project for school to studying the carnivore diet and enlisted my husband to try “this one last crazy thing.” Desperation…isn’t that often when miracles occur?
What is carnivore? 4:15
In its most simple form: a diet of meat, water and salt. It can expand to include animal products like eggs and dairy. I go into more detail in my Free Carnivore Guide. (below)
Don’t Laugh It Off 4:45
Don’t immediately dismiss an idea just because it sounds crazy. Too often we miss out on learning because we don’t look behind claims we accept as absolute truth. We never question them or worse, laugh and brush off anything that opposes them. Desperation led me to try carnivore, but I was surprised to find sound science supporting it. That alone was a valuable reminder to keep an open mind.
Paul Saladino’s book The Carnivore Code 5:45
Click here to order his latest edition of what is sure to be a classic: The Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino.
Paul Saladino’s book The Carnivore Code came out halfway into my 30 day experience. I eagerly devoured it. For someone approaching the end of my formal nutrition schooling, it was mind blowing! It seemingly questioned every tenet I had studied! It really taught me how to critically question everything.
For example, I would’ve argued Michael Pollan’s food rules to be universally sound, particularly his most basic tenet: Eat food…Mostly plants. But then Paul comes along and says “Wait! Those plants aren’t helping you, they’re hurting you!”
Suddenly even accepted truths aren’t absolute! Carnivore challenges everything you know about food. Does it even change the rules?
From the first page you begin to question everything.
Experiment on Yourself. 7:15
Adrian just finished a 21 day fast and is doing a carnivore experiment now (at time of publication). I launched my studies with a head-first dive into the diet—a 30 day experiment of my own. Be your own investigator. Don’t be afraid to question conventional wisdom.
8:00 Lessons in Spinach.
Ask Popeye, spinach is a nutritional icon. Here we discuss why spinach can be problematic and how this exemplifies much of the frustration in nutrition. You think you get a grasp on something and then nuances pop up to complicate things! The oxalates in spinach, for example, can contribute to kidney stones. Popeye left that part out!
To get the nutrition from plants and avoid the toxins, you have to know all the tricks. Rotate, limit, combine, ferment, sprout, soak, cook from scratch…..but Paul Saladino asks “Why?” Plants have already been converted into usable food for us…by animals!
Plants fight back. 11:00
Plants can’t run; they don’t have claws and teeth to protect themselves from predators. Don’t think they are defenseless, though. Plants are master chemists. They need to protect themselves from decimation while still using animals for propagation. So they produce fruits to entice animals to eat them and spread their seed. Leaves and stems, however, are not something they want to have eaten, they are integral to their structure and vitality, so they build defenses to protect them.
How does Dr. Saladino prove his claims? 11:36
Paul breaks down individual components in the plant world and examines how they act in the body. He uses the chemistry the plants use to defend themselves to show how they harm us, or at least inhibit healing.
He likens meat and plants to Macs vs PCs. Our bodies understand the code to eat animals. But plants run a different operating system entirely and for us to assimilate their nutrients requires a lot of conversion and extra coding.
Changing Parameters:
The parameters change for nutrients. For example, much of the vitamin C we take in is utilized to mitigate the toxic effects of plants and if we stop eating plants, we don’t require as much vitamin C.
Brittany Spears and Broccoli Spears: Not so innocent?
Sulfurophane (a compound in broccoli) blocks absorption of iodine (Edit* on the video I said IRON instead of IODINE. Let’s hear it for live recordings!)
Many of the nutrients we seek in plants actually compete for absorption and block the use of other nutrients. Animal products, on the other hand, have these nutrients in the right proportion and form for us to utilize easily.
Giving it a chance. 13:50
Every plant has a defense, so there is a cost to eating them.
There is a process and a price to unlock the treasures in every plant. If you have a compromised system, maybe you can’t afford that cost.
Why not reserve our resources to heal and rebuild? Take nutrition in its simplest form. Take your diet down to the minimum and then build up from there.
What is bioavailbility? 16:00
We look at supplements and the bottles make all these claims about what they contain. Those numbers aren’t as definitive as you would hope; in reality it is all about absorbability. Our body needs nutrients in a form it can use or a form it can convert into a form it can use.
For example, beta carotene is celebrated as vitamin A in plants—most famously carrots. It isn’t actually vitamin A, but a precursor that must be converted to retinol, the form of vitamin A our body uses. If we lose, say, 90% of it in the conversion process and only take 10% in, then we only used a small fraction of the Vitamin A advertised on that food or supplement. Wouldn’t it make more sense to consume retinol in the first place?
Clarification from the video: Beta Carotene, in actuality, has a conversion rate of 6:1—so for every 6 units you take in, your body can produce 1 usable unit of Retinol Vitamin A. However, if you have a compromised gut or take certain medications, the conversion rate is even lower. Interestingly, infants and young children cannot convert beta carotene at all!
Exceeding the RDA
Some people worry about the claims on bottles that far exceed the RDA, or recommended daily allowance. It’s useful to know that the RDA is based on the minimum amount of a nutrient necessary to survive, not the optimal amount to thrive. For example, the RDA of Vitamin C is 65-90 mg a day (depending on age). This is the minimum amount of C needed to not get scurvy! In reality, many experts recommend getting between 200-500 mg a day and much more for therapeutic applications! So, the RDA is more of a starting point than a guide for optimal health.
Use your body as a laboratory. 18:40
Listen to your body, discover your base line.
Carnivore as an elimination diet. 19:25
Elimination diets are effective, but hard—striking fear in everyone’s heart. You’re removing everything that could possibly be allergenic and going down to a very basic, often repetitive diet.
If you are lucky, the elimination period allows your gut time to heal and your allergies or intolerances to resolve. You may be able to eat those foods again without symptoms! However, sometimes allergies remain. Even in this case, the elimination diet helped you identify trigger foods and you are able to adjust your diet accordingly so you can move forward without symptoms.
There are several elimination diets out there. Some are longer and easier; some are faster but more strict. It becomes the job of a nutritionist to try to match what a person will be most successful on given their condition and circumstances. Even personality can come into play!
Carnivore is simple and that is why it works for some.
Elimination diets can be complicated. For example:
The GAPS diet moves through stages with specific food lists. If you introduce the wrong fruit too early, it can set you back to the beginning!
The AIP diet eliminates nightshades. If you consume a seasoning with cayenne or paprika in it, you could react!
It is easy to mistake an ingredient or a timeline and accidentally set yourself back. This is a disheartening pattern!
Along comes carnivore: simple and easy to follow. Did it come from an animal? Yes? Then you can eat it. There is comfort in the clarity.
22:16 Carnivore long term.
I started carnivore with a temporary perspective and was surprised to see Paul Saladino claim it was sustainable long term.
Adrian interviewed Tristan Haggard from Primal Edge Health and they talked longevity in greater depth. Catch that episode here.
The takeaway here in regard to elimination diets is that you don’t have to worry about nutritional deficiencies that can occur in some long term eliminations. On carnivore you can go on indefinitely and thrive, so it gives you time to heal. Most people will add more foods in eventually and diversify, but there are some who choose to stay carnivore for life!
23:45 Why is Carnivore so Hated on?
It’s the flip side of the Vegan diet. It’s an extreme diet. Whenever you venture to the extreme, you get polarizing voices, people in favor and people adamantly opposed. Those opposed cry that carnivore is unsustainable, expensive, indulgent, and that it sounds laughable because it goes against everything we’ve been programmed to do: “Don’t eat your vegetables!”
There was a time we were led to believe that fat was killing us and aggressively pressured to stop eating it. Now that we are waking up and seeing how essential fat is to our health, we get kick back from the people who were taught the opposite. It might be even harder to change the perception with animal foods. We have been green-washed!
25: Adrians’ blood work and a note on testing:
Adrian was impressed that his triglycerides dropped and his cholesterol looked beautiful after starting carnivore. Note that initial testing can show elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, but that is normal. Give your body time to settle and adjust to the dietary changes and those numbers will return to normal or even better, optimal.
It’s not a light switch.
How is Carnivore backed up in the book? 27:00
There really aren’t many studies on carnivore so Dr Saladino resorts to studies on nutritional components and studies on low carb diets. He also cites studies on regenerative farming.
One problem with a lot of studies in the literature is that they look at conventional meats and not grass fed and pastured meats.
Why is grass fed better? 28:35
Some experts would argue it doesn’t matter but I adamantly believe it does, from an ethical and a nutritional standpoint.
We are removed from meat in our modern system. We lose the ability to relate to it. Eating ethical meat puts us back in the food chain where we belong. We are connected, so we should be good stewards.
The better you take care of an animal, the better their products are. It is the same with us. If we eat better food, we expect to get healthier. So why would we feed an animal cheap garbage food designed to make it fat as fast as possible and expect to get healthy eating that?
Shayn Bowler, the Farmer behind Utah Natural Meat & Milk.
A cow is not a carnivore. It is a ruminant with a sophisticated system for breaking down grass (which is indigestible to us). We feed them grains, commercial byproducts and waste. It packs the weight on them fast, but it doesn’t nourish them or make them healthy.
Then, we cram them in close quarters, closer than would ever occur in nature.
Being in close quarters and feeding them poorly makes them susceptible to illness. Inevitable they get sick, so we medicate them.
We keep them well enough to harvest (not well, but well enough). We exploit them and we’ve betrayed our connection to them.
You take care of the animals they will take care of you. Know the farmer who tends the animals you will eat. Know they had a good life, know they were nourished and cared for.
Adrian comments on a trend. 31:00
The profit motive has skewed the market dynamics. Let’s fatten them up; we are selling things by the pound! All pounds of meat are not equal!
You can eat ALL this for only 100 calories! Wouldn’t you rather have nutrients in those bites?
New perspective on food 32:20
We are taught to eat as much food as we can how much food can for the fewest calories. Don’t you want the most nutrition in the fewest bites, not the most bites for the fewest? If you’re going to make your body go to the trouble of breaking it down (and digestion is an expensive function for the body to run!), don’t you want the most bang for your buck as opposed to cheap filler?
With grass fed meat, people report they are satiated in fewer bites. Your body recognizes it as fuel, it is bioavailable, and it is nutritionally dense.
Adrian pointed out that getting used to new habits takes time. It takes time to realize you don’t need a plate the size of your face or to be stuffed into sleepiness to know what satiation feels like.
You are investing in your health and rewiring yourself to recognize nutrition.
Investing in Food. 34:00
Food as your therapy. It was never meant to be cheap. We need it to survive and our health depends on it so it makes sense to invest in the good stuff.
In my family, we choose to spend a higher percentage of our income on food. We choose to sacrifice in other areas to make this happen.
There are ways to trade off expenses. It can be a hard sell because you have to check your skepticism at the door. The investment pays off in the long run in money saved in medical expenses, but also in life experience when you feel and function better for longer.
Autoimmune Applications 35:48
My husband wasn’t healing completely from other diets. When he initially made changes to his Standard American Diet, he experienced immediate improvement. Even just 2 weeks into his whole food journey, he lost the daily headaches he’d suffered for decades. He had thought that was normal! He continued to improve over time but couldn’t get that last 10-15% healing. He was tired of pain.
So, we came to this one last diet.
I can’t prescribe a diet I haven’t tried so we jumped in together
He started with just beef and salt.
I wasn’t fighting an autoimmune condition so I included eggs, dairy and all kinds of meat and fish.
He immediately saw results and broke through the ceiling he’d hit. [At the time of publication] he has not yet been able to reintroduce foods, but he feels so good, has better range of motion, less pain, and is far less symptomatic than he was. He is hopeful.
My 30 days. 38:00
Me on day 28 of carnivore.
I was surprised by my results. They are better cataloged in THIS POST. My moods were better. I found myself needing less sleep, but having more energy. I’d wake up before my alarm having slept deeper.
Adrian reported that he built muscle, had more energy, more intense workouts, and deeper sleep.
All of my check in videos started with surprise. I expected it to tank and that this experiment would be a joke. I was pleasantly surprised at how good I felt and how well I performed.
Issues that can arise. 39:26
Psychological cravings.
At first I had cravings. I wasn’t hungry, but I thought I wanted a salad. It just felt wrong to not have veggies on the plate. After the first week, that wasn’t an issue anymore.
Diarrhea and Constipation
Both can happen as your body recalibrates the way it moves solids through your system. The first week, many people experience sudden-onset diarrhea (the worst kind, right?) I was lucky in that regard but look up Joe Rogan’s experience for a tale from the dark side.
People often complain of constipation, but the fact is you produce much less waste on carnivore so your regular daily BM may become a thing of the past. You may settle into twice or three times a week. Without all that fiber to bulk things up, there is much less to move, which is interesting. It’s been said you need fiber to move your bowels, but Dr. Saladino says you don’t need help if you don’t fill your bowels up with fiber. Again, an opposite view! With plant fiber pushing things through, your gut can atrophy and get lazy. You have to wake it up again, but it will adjust and things will regulate.
There are other symptoms too, like the “Keto flu”. Severity can depend on your level of health and nutrition before.
Ease in if you are on the "Standard American Diet” (SAD) or do the “bombs away” approach—all at once and be prepared for side effects! Whatever the case, know that they are temporary and don’t be discouraged.
A little laughter 43:29
Adrien becomes a being of light. A new pandemic strategy. Lol
Nose to Tail Carnivore. 44:00
Some carnivore experts say you don’t need to eat nose to tail. Dr. Saladino is a big advocate for it (as am I!) He asserts that if you eat nose to tail, you don’t need to supplement.
What is nose-to-tail? Most people are familiar with steaks and ground beef. Nose-to-tail goes beyond this and calls for eating all the parts, especially valuing organs and bones.
Every piece of the animal has a different nutritional profile. You need diversity…just like you eat the rainbow with veggies, you need to eat a wide variety in meats. Look twice at the parts you normally ignore or discard!
The Greenless Smoothie 45:09
It’s not as pretty as a classic green smoothie but it gets the job done. I started making this for a quick on-the-go meal that really filled me up. I threw some of my homemade raw kefir or yogurt in a blender with a couple pastured egg yolks, a scoop or so of collagen powder and a couple drops of vanilla Lakanto® liquid sweetener. You could use stevia with vanilla extract as well. Later on, I began adding a scoop of vitamin C powder to boost my immune system as Covid began rearing its head.
No Police 46:02
Notice I did use some vanilla sweetener. That is okay! There are no carnivore police to say you are doing it wrong! (See “welcome to the jungle” in the get going guide.)
There are experts all over with different parameters. You experiment and see what works for you.
Adrian mentioned he might crave an orange or some sauerkraut. No one will come after him for eating that, it’s his decision!
Fighting Boredom. 48:28
How do you keep him from getting bored?
For my husband, he is resigned to a bland diet. It is his choice; he is leading his healing and has decided a limited diet serves him best right now. He has accepted it because he feels so much better and values the tradeoff. He finds his happiness elsewhere, aside from food.
Most people are not as limited as he is. For others, there are ways to be creative to keep from boredom.
Change the textures.
Beef Tartare is a great example of changing things up. There is a big difference between a seared steak and the same steak minced and served raw. (Be brave and try it; it’s delicious!)
49:44 Adrian shares his process for making Beef Tartare
Also try a variety of cuts, kinds and cooking methods. With a little creativity, boredom really isn’t a problem!
Travel the world 51:10
There are so many cultures in the world that eat so many different ways. Americans think steak and hamburgers, but look to traditional methods from around the world to learn tasty ways to eat meat and especially to prepare organ meats.
Diversity in Carnivore 52:15
Some experts say grass fed and nose to tail doesn’t matter. All meat is equal. But if you are going to limit your food, don’t you want what’s left to be the best quality possible?
You are focusing on one part of the market: the butcher counter. Look for the wild caught, sustainably raised, pastured, free range, cage free, grass fed. etc. If you are going to be limited, get the best!
You deserve that.
53:10 Adrian’s fuel analogy
You are taking in less, but it is higher quality: more nutrients, digestibility, lower toxic load and better for environment!
Your body will thank you for it.
Financing Quality 53:50
There are times you can’t afford your ideal diet. Sadly, it can be a luxury to eat pure, clean food. You may live in a food desert without access to organic meats or you may be financially limited. You have to have a real belief to sacrifice and eat this way, but what if you simply can’t? Are you resigned to eating cold cereal and cold cuts? No!
Dr Natasha Campbell McBride, famous for the GAPS protocol advises to get the best quality you can: your body will still heal! She recounts serving the poorest patients and watching them get what they can afford or find and still watching them heal.
My family’s healing journey started before we made that conversion to grass-fed meats. My daughter saw great improvements. However, when we switched her over to the better quality meats, her healing accelerated. It turns out she has an intolerance to corn and soy, so even corn and soy fed animals caused issues for her. She was stile able improve and was much better off eating a whole food diet including conventional meats than a standard American diet. But even better were the results we got incorporating ethically raised, quality meats. Do your best!
There is hope for us even if we can’t get the pristine tenderloin. There is hope for everyone.
Shop Smart 55:50
You can stretch your dollars in several ways. Adrian looks for the mark down meats (The woohoo sticker, as it is known affectionately at Smiths Marketplace!)
Stock up when there are sales. Consider buying in bulk: order a quarter cow or half a pig at a local farm.
Be flexible. Build your menu around your bargains rather than shopping for specific cuts a recipe may call for. Be willing to try new things.
Book Review 57:46
The Carnivore Cookbook by Jessica Haggard is an absolute treasure you can order in digital or hardcopy from here. I bought several carnivore cookbooks during my experiment, and I have only rave reviews for this culinary work of art. It is the only one I would gladly buy again!
Browned butter on a steak? You'll thank me later.
Brown Butter: a love letter 59:51
Fancy up any steak or dish by adding browned butter to it. I make a large batch of it and keep it in the fridge. I consider it a staple, able to take anything from ordinary to 5 star in seconds. I’ve even been known to eat some straight! It is simple to fix and the toasty flavor is divine.
No Skills Required! 1:00.40
When it comes right down to it, you don’t need fancy techniques. You can start simple. A frying pan and a simple list and you are ready to go! You don’t even need sophisticated, hard-to-find ingredients. As you get more comfortable, you may play with new recipes, learn new skills—but to start, keep it simple and get sizzling!
For Example
On my way out the door for work:
I put a whole frozen roast in my instant pot with a little water or broth, set it for a 2 hour delay, and dinner is done when I come home! My family might shred the beef over a salad or serve it alongside veggies and I will dish up a plate with just meat and seasoning. Dinner is done!
Keep it simple when starting out!
Tip: I keep my deep freezer stocked. Before I go to bed, I put something in the bottom drawer of the fridge to thaw out for the next day. So, there’s always a thawed cut of something ready to grab!
Then you’ll never go hungry.
People only cheat when they’re hungry and you have to go a long time to get hungry on carnivore.
Appetite Suppression on Carnivore: a Keto Discussion 1:02.22
Why are you not as hungry on carnivore? Because generally speaking, you’ll be in a state of ketosis which, unlike running on carbs and having insulin spikes and dips, is a steady state where you feel continually satiated.
I learned that too much protein will kick you out of ketosis. However, on carnivore, I tested my ketones 2 times a day and discovered I stayed in deep ketosis the entire time. I am still studying the mechanism behind this, but it was a welcome surprise to me.
What is ketosis? 1:03.30
Tune in here for a 5 minute discussion on what ketosis is and what it can do for your brain.
Interested in Ketogenics? You can also check out this post.
What else? 1:08.25
There is so much stability in diets that are based on fat. Everything stabilizes when we are insulin sensitive.
I grew up thinking you got cancer or diabetes out of nowhere, it was just bad luck. Even if you are genetically predisposed, you control what will switch your genes on or off.
IYou can choose to forgo a convenience food or to skip cracking open a bag of chips for the flavor hit. You can learn more food options. Try new foods. Open your mind.
We have more hope and control than we know. It is a freer way to live.
Even if you choose not to live carnivore, maybe it becomes an option you have available when you need to reboot or have physical goals. It becomes a tool in your box.
The more tools you acquire for yourself, the more able you are to control your health, to heal your children, to lengthen your life.
Try it on yourself.
What do I do and who do I work with? 1:11.15
People come to me because they don’t know who else to go to. Many have been to doctors and left unsatisfied. I’ve been there. I share the story of my daughter who was told by a specialist they had no idea what was wrong with her and there was nothing they could do. There is always something you can do.
I work with you to unlock your story and figure out what foods will help
We will break down the pieces of your puzzle to get a picture of your health and the conditions that create or deteriorate it. We will unlock the code of who you are to find out what your ideal diet is and what practices will help you feel better.
I recognize and celebrate small successes and watch them accumulate and build until you’ve reached your picture of health. I help you develop the tools to take the best care of yourself!
What is next and what do I offer? 1:15:42
I’ll continue working at the farm, but I will also be able to open up more hours for my coaching clients. As I build my practice, I look forward to offering more classes and creating more content to help people become more self-sufficient.
I take phone and video appointments, so you could be local or live across the country.
Customize a package or look at my pre-set options. I really love working with people to figure out a plan of action that works for their circumstances.
You can schedule a free 20 minute consultation to discuss how we can work together. Look over the services page to see what I offer or send an inquiry!
In addition to carnivore coaching, I also assist with the following:
Simple transition to whole foods
Teach traditional cooking methods
Special diets for specific illnesses: GAPS AIP, SCD, Keto, etc
Meal planning/adapting
Kitchen Clean out and Grocery Tours
and more!
Final Message 1:18.30
You have permission to take control of your health.
This is your body. Take chances. Try something new. Experiment. Just be mindful with your choices and be proactive. You are in the driver’s seat. You are in control!
Thinking of giving Carnivore a try?
Do you have an inner carnivore? Could there be hidden benefits waiting for you?