Food Mantras: Create one to serve you!

Food mantras: simple food statements that can add direction and intention to your life while simplifying your food choices. I share some examples, my own personal code and invite you to share yours!

Watch the video or scan the summary below.

What I Cover in This Discussion


What is a Mantra?

In this case, a mantra is a food philosophy, a guiding star to help you navigate the food jungle. It’s a simple phrase

Rules vs Mantras (1:30)

Rules are more specific and apply in specific circumstances and are more detailed oriented and prone to change. Rules will always support your overall philosophy. To demonstrate, I looked at 2 well known rule sets or systems to show what mantra they support.

  • Using Michal Pollan’s Food Rules: Eat food, mostly plants, not too much.

  • Using Glenn Livingston’s Never Binge Again: I control my food, not the other way around.

If you can really internalize your mantra so that it infiltrates who you are you don’t have to fixate on little things like calorie counting or do’s and don’ts; you become intuitive about the choices that serve you best.


An Example Mantra (4:50)

Traci wrote in with a mantra that I absolutely love. Think about this:


If you’ve ever heard “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” you may understand why I take issue with that. I discuss it in the video. But, it’s hard to argue with HEALTHY.

If this doesn’t resonate with you, if you are visualizing even now a list of foods that taste better than squishing into your skinny jeans, may I submit something: do you know what healthy feels like? Truly? In our modern world, many of us live with chronic aches and pains, energy lulls, mood disorders, gut issues, headaches and more that we accept as normal and may not even consider illness because we can’t remember living without them. But true HEALTH is free of these things. For as passionate as I am about flavors, I can’t think of one that tastes better than that!

Mantras take the Guesswork out of eating (6:39)

Mantras add Intentionality to our Diet (6:57)

Mantras take us out of Victim-hood and into a place of control (7:33)

My Food Mantras (8:49):

You are What you Eat

You are What you Eat Eats

You are What Eats what you Eat

Let’s break it down. When you see why these are foundational to me, it may help you identify what matters to you!

You are What you Eat (9:05)

fast food.jpg

Remember, every bite you take is a chance to build the body you want!

I referenced a Red Table episode entitled “Will Smith’s Emergency Family Meeting” where Will Smith has the epiphany that we are what we eat so he need to up his game. It is a fun episode, I recommend it!

I used to laugh at the saying “If you are what you eat, I’m fast cheap and easy.” In fact, I had a magnet on my fridge. Now that I know the flip side of that—you’ll be slow, sick and in medical debt—it’s not so funny anymore.

Metaphor or the builder and the packing peanuts (10:28) to illustrate the body can only rise to the quality of the materials you give it to build with.

You are What you Eat Eats (12:00)

A discussion of why it’s important to source quality, ethically raised meat and clean produce. (Another plug for Utah Natural Meat if you live along the Wasatch front! If you don’t, find a local farmer!)

You are What Eats What you Eat (14:22)

This is a reference to our Microbiome. The trillions of microorganisms that feed on what we eat have a profound effect on our overall health!

An Example Meal (17:46):

This becomes fast and intuitive. What to fix for dinner to tick these boxes, align with these values. Tonight…it’s beef stew!

Do I have to be 100%? (19:45)

The good news? No, you don’t have to be perfect to succeed! Eating “off plan” or something not completely in alignment becomes a mindful exception, not a failure!

Talk to Me!

Let’s chat about your Mantra or ways to get help aligning your diet with your goals!

  • One on One

    Schedule a complimentary consult by phone or video chat so we can discuss ways to make your lifestyle match up with your goals! and options.

  • Classes

    Check in on our Education Page at the Farm to see what classes I have coming up. Don’t see one? Request one! I often wait till I get a few requests to pencil one in. Getting a few friends together is a great way to get a class tailored to your needs planned.

  • NOTE: I no longer work at the Farm, Utah Natural Meat, although we’re still best friends and I’m a customer for life! I still recommend checking out their site to see what they have brewing!

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Things I Mentioned In this Chat:

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