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Natural Remedies and Care for Cold and Fl

Let's dish about Cold & Flu. How do you prevent them and/or treat them once you've caught them? There are natural remedies lurking in your kitchen right now and others that are easy to get. Your body will thank you. Let's talk!

Watch the video or scan the summary below!

What I Cover in This Discussion

Cold and Flu Season is year round! (2:14)

You really can get it any time so beware and be vigilant. A couple reasons its thought cold and flu are more prevalent in fall and winter are because 1) we are inside more breathing circulated, dry air and it dries out our mucous membranes, making us less able to fight off viruses we are exposed to by breathing contaminated air. 2) the days are shorter and we have less vitamin D available to fuel immunity.

Both Cold and Flu are viruses. (2:14)

Antibiotics will not help and can be counterproductive. Consider holding off on a run to the doctors office and see if you can get it under control yourself.

Caution: there are times antibiotics are called for. If you are not getting better despite your best efforts. If it looks like strep throat, don’t mess around. Go and get a culture and get it treated. Strep can get out of hand quickly.

Differences between Cold and Flu (3:12)

A cold comes on gradually where a flu can hit you all at once. Generally the flu is more severe with fever, chills, and/or body aches.

Stay Hydrated! (3:53)

  • Drink—is so easy its ridiculous but so often overlooked. Drink water. Often

  • Humidifiers—another way to get water into your system.

  • Steam—breathe in steam from a hot shower or put a towel over your head and lean over a tub. You can add herbs or essential oils to complement this.

Bone Broth (5:40)

Again, this is cheap and easy! It is full of amino acids and minerals to fuel your immune system and also provides easily absorbable nutrition and supports gut health—which directly improves immune performance. Be sure to source clean broth or bones! We sell both at Utah Natural Meat. It is easy to make and pays dividends not only as a treatment in and of itself, but as a medium for other healing ingredients.

Ginger & Garlic: a dynamic duo

Ginger 7:29

Famous for soothing upset stomach, but did you know it also helps with colds? It stimulates mucous membranes to soothe dried out surfaces and keep congested areas moving. If you like the taste of ginger, go to town!

Garlic (8:20)

Allicin is a component in garlic that is most potent with freshly crushed garlic and is powerful against cold and flu. Crush some and pour hot broth or eat whole cloves of garlic fermented in honey.

Shave some fresh ginger and pile lemon slices into a mug and steep with hot water for 5-10 minutes. Add raw honey to taste and enjoy a soothing cup of flu fighters.

Raw Honey (9:04)

Real raw honey is high in enzymes and is antimicrobial; it helps soothe a sore throat and mucous membranes. Use it as a base for homemade cough syrups and to sweeten herbal teas. Source it from a local beekeeper. We sell it at Utah Natural Meat!

Lemon (not in video)

Lemon is alkalizing and high in Vitamin C so it is especially potent during cold and flu treatment. A powerful way to add lemon to your regimen is to freeze it and then finely grate it into drinks, soups, salads, whatever. The yellow zest is tasty, but the white pith underneath is by far the most concentrated source of vitamin C. Use to your advantage!

Click here to see a great tutorial on making a tasty elderberry syrup! Wellnessmama is a great resource to keep up on!

Elderberry (10:10)

They’re everywhere for a reason! (And I still don’t understand why “Your father smells like elderberries” is an insult—monty python.) They are high in vitamin C and antioxidants. They contain a protein that actually stops viruses from replicating and spreading. Elderberry has been shown in studies to shorten the duration of a flu. Amazing!

Look for good sources when you use them, so you don’t end up buying a sugar bomb syrup with a little berry in it. (Elderberry gummies? Yeah, I’m a little skeptical.) I am including one of my favorite recipes for a homemade syrup. Thanks Wellness Mama! Click the picture to go her awesome tutorial. They are such a treasure trove, I am trying to grow my own (son ran over both plants with a lawn mower! anyone have any cuttings to share?) You can order them online too. Here is a good source.

Vitamin C

This might be the most famous supplement touted for boosting immunity. And its true, you can’t overstate the importance of this nutrient. We can’t make our own, we have to et it from diet. Listen in for more detail.

Quick mentions:

  • Daily recommendation is 65-80 mg/day

  • Water soluble means it is hard to overdose and higher doses can be taken for maintenance and treatment.

  • 2,000 mg/day is considered the upper limits for tolerance. If you experience nausea or diarrhea, you need to back off on your dose.

  • Sodium Ascorbate is easier to absorb and use than the more commonly sourced Ascorbic Acid. I buy this brand and mix it with a whole food powder like acai or blueberry to make a tasty blend I use in smoothies or teas as soon as I hear a sniffle in my house.

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Olive Leaf Extract 15:39

See this Amazon product in the original post

An easy to take supplement that is anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. Can be taken in capsules, tinctures, and teas.

Oil of Oregano 15:55

One of the most potent oils for immune support. It contains thymol and carvacrol, two compounds that make it anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. It is known to ease an upset stomach, but in this application we want it to increase bile flow and diaphoresis—sweating—both vital to detoxing and kicking this cold! Look for potent brands with at least 70% polyphenols.

Essential Oils 17:14

Use your favorite Essential Oil in a diffuser to sanitze the environment and help stop the spread of germs.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) 18:48

See this Amazon product in the original post

NAC is a powerful sulfur-containing antioxidant that boosts immunity, soothes respiratory tracts and regulates mucous production. Research has shown that taking 600 mg 2 times a day can reduce chances of contracting the flu by an impressive 60%! If you do come down with the flu, 2-3,000 mg daily for 2 weeks can greatly improve recovery.

Prevention 21:00

A healthy body is by far the best prevention for illness of every kind. Consistent habits—like nutrition and sleep—can build your reserves and fortify your defenses.

Limit Sugar 21:35

Sugar really taxes your body and impairs its ability to fight pathogens.

Stress 22:25

Listen in to see how stress impacts your immune system. You might be surprised! If you are chronically stressed and feel like you catch every little bug that comes along, there is a correlation!

Sleep more 23:23

Listen to your Body 24:43

Getting Sick Can be Good For You 25:45

It’s not a failure or a weakness if you get sick. Even the healthiest people succumb from time to time. It is actually a great chance for your immune system to fire up and build itself stronger. It can be your body asking for some down time to rest and recover. With the right support and healthy habits, getting sick can be mild and quick, not a dramatic debilitating ordeal.

Are you sick all the time? 26:25

There are several concerning underlying reasons behind this. Speak to a doctor and reach out to a nutrition therapist—like me! You could need to overhaul your sleep habits or stress levels. You could have nutritional deficiencies that are compromising your defenses. Autoimmune issues could wreak havoc on your immune system. Your gut health may be leaving you exposed. Let’s talk.

Hungry for More? Talk to Me!

Let’s chat about how you protect you and yours from illness and ways to get help aligning your diet with your goals.

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